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How many types of injection molding do you know?

Release time: August 10, 2023

Injection molding is also known as injection molding, which is a kind of injection and molding molding method. The advantages of injection molding method is the production speed, high efficiency, operation can be automated, color variety, shape can be simple to complex, size can be from large to small, and the product size is accurate, the product is easy to update, can become a complex shape of the parts, injection molding is suitable for large-scale production and shape of complex products and other molding processing areas.


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1. Conventional Injection Molding: This is the most common type of injection molding where molten plastic is injected into a mold and left to cool and solidify. It has a wide range of applications and is suitable for producing products with complex shapes and intricate details.


2. Thin Wall Injection Molding: This technique is used to produce thin-walled plastic parts such as containers, packages and lids. It requires specialized molds and machines capable of high-speed injection to ensure proper filling of thin-walled parts.


3. Gas Assisted Injection Molding: In this method, a controlled amount of nitrogen gas is injected into the mold after the initial plastic injection. This gas pushes the molten plastic against the mold walls, reducing dents and improving the structural integrity of the part.


4. Co-injection Molding: Also known as sandwich injection molding, this technique involves injecting two different materials into the mold at the same time. It is often used to create parts with a core of one material and a top layer of another, for example, to improve aesthetics, enhance performance or save costs.


5. Insert Molding: In this process, a pre-formed metal or plastic insert is placed into the mold prior to injection. The molten plastic then surrounds the insert to form a monolithic part. This process is often used for embedding threaded inserts, electrical components, or reinforcement materials.


6. Overmolding: Similar to insert injection molding, overmolding involves the use of multiple materials. However, in this case, a second material is molded directly onto the existing part to form a composite structure. Overmolding is often used to improve grip, add color, or provide a soft-touch surface.


7. Micro Injection Molding: This particular form of injection molding is used to produce extremely small and complex parts, often in the micron size range. Commonly used in the electronics and medical industries.


8. Multi-shot injection molding: Also known as multi-component injection molding or two-material injection molding, this technique involves injecting two or more materials sequentially into the same mold to produce a single part with multiple colors or materials. This eliminates the need for assembly and improves the aesthetics of the product.


9. Reaction Injection Molding (RIM): In reaction injection molding, two liquid components (usually polyurethane) are mixed and injected into a mold where they react and solidify. Reaction injection molding is commonly used to produce automotive parts, industrial components and furniture.


10. Rotomolding: While not exactly traditional injection molding, rotomolding involves rotating a hollow mold with plastic material inside so that it is evenly coated inside the mold as it melts and adheres. This method is used to produce large hollow parts such as jars, containers and playground equipment.

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Their advantage & disadvantage and machining tolerances


1.Conventional Injection Molding:


Advantages: Versatile, suitable for complex geometries, high production rates, excellent surface finish, wide range of materials can be used.


Disadvantages: Initial tooling costs can be high, longer cycle times for thick parts, possible warping or sink marks.


Tolerances: +/- 0.005 to 0.010 inches (0.127 to 0.254 mm) per inch of dimension.


Factors: Material shrinkage, mold design, part geometry, machine accuracy.


2. Thin-Wall Injection Molding:


Advantages: Reduced material usage, faster cycle times, well-suited for high-volume production of lightweight parts.


Disadvantages: Requires specialized equipment and molds, limited to thin-walled parts.


Tolerances: +/- 0.002 to 0.005 inches (0.0508 to 0.127 mm) per inch of dimension.


Factors: Material flow characteristics, mold design, part thickness, cooling efficiency.


3. Gas-Assisted Injection Molding:


Advantages: Reduced part weight, improved surface finish, reduced sink marks and warpage, potential for larger parts with uniform wall thickness.


Disadvantages: Equipment and process complexity, higher upfront costs.


Tolerances: Similar to conventional injection molding.


Factors: Similar to conventional injection molding, gas-assisted technology can help reduce sink marks and warping, enhancing overall part quality.


4. Co-Injection Molding:


Advantages: Enhanced properties (such as strength, durability, or aesthetics), reduced material costs, potential for design innovation.


Disadvantages: Complex process, specialized equipment, potential bonding issues between different materials.


Tolerances: Similar to conventional injection molding, may be influenced by the individual materials being used.


Factors: Material compatibility, part geometry, mold design.


5.Insert Molding:


Advantages: Improved part strength, reduced assembly steps, better electrical and thermal conductivity.


Disadvantages: Additional complexity in tool design and processing, potential issues with insert adhesion.


Tolerances: +/- 0.005 to 0.010 inches (0.127 to 0.254 mm) per inch of dimension, similar to conventional injection molding.


Factors: Material shrinkage, insert placement accuracy, mold design.




Advantages: Enhanced grip and comfort, improved aesthetics, reduced need for secondary processes.


Disadvantages: Requires specialized tooling, potential material compatibility issues.


Tolerances: Similar to conventional injection molding, influenced by the specific materials being used.


Factors: Material compatibility, part design, mold design.


7. Micro Injection Molding:


Advantages: High precision and accuracy, suitable for small and intricate parts, minimal material waste.


Disadvantages: Limited to small parts, tooling complexity, challenges with material flow and cooling.


Tolerances: +/- 0.0005 to 0.002 inches (0.0127 to 0.0508 mm) per inch of dimension.


Factors: High precision molds, material flow control, specialized machinery.


8.Multi-Shot Injection Molding:


Advantages: Reduced assembly and labor costs, improved part quality, enhanced design possibilities.


Disadvantages: Complex machinery and tooling, potential material compatibility issues.


Tolerances: Similar to conventional injection molding, may be influenced by the individual materials being used.


Factors: Material compatibility, part geometry, mold design.


9. Reaction Injection Molding (RIM):


Advantages: Strong and lightweight parts, low-pressure process, short cycle times.


Disadvantages: Limited material selection, specialized equipment, potential for chemical reactions affecting part properties.


Tolerances: +/- 0.005 to 0.015 inches (0.127 to 0.381 mm) per inch of dimension.


Factors: Material characteristics, mold design, chemical reactions during curing.


10.Rotational Molding (Rotomolding):


Advantages: Suitable for large, hollow parts, consistent wall thickness, low tooling costs, ability to mold complex shapes.


Disadvantages: Longer cycle times, limited part precision, limited material options compared to traditional injection molding.


Tolerances: +/- 0.030 to 0.060 inches (0.762 to 1.524 mm) per inch of dimension.


Factors: Mold design, material distribution during rotation, cooling rates.

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In which industries are each of these injection molding processes used to produce which parts?


Conventional Injection Molding:


Industries: Automotive, consumer goods, electronics, medical, packaging, industrial manufacturing, telecommunications.


Materials: Most thermoplastics and some thermosetting plastics.


Parts: Interior and exterior automotive components, electronic housings, appliance parts, medical device housings, packaging containers, industrial components.


Thin-Wall Injection Molding:


Industries: Packaging, consumer goods, electronics.


Materials: High-flow thermoplastics with good melt strength, such as polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE).


Parts: Thin-walled packaging containers, lids, cups, lightweight consumer goods, electronic housings.


Gas-Assisted Injection Molding:


Industries: Automotive, consumer goods, industrial manufacturing.


Materials: Similar to conventional injection molding materials.


Parts: Automotive interior components with reduced sink marks, consumer goods with intricate designs, large industrial parts with uniform wall thickness.


Co-Injection Molding:


Industries: Consumer goods, packaging, automotive, electronics.


Materials: Two or more compatible thermoplastics, often with one being a cost-effective base material and the other providing desired surface properties.


Parts: Multi-material consumer goods, packaging with improved aesthetics, automotive components with enhanced properties, electronics with integrated functionality.


Insert Molding:


Industries: Automotive, electronics, medical, industrial manufacturing.


Materials: Similar to conventional injection molding materials; thermoplastics compatible with the insert material.


Parts: Automotive connectors, electronic components with integrated connectors, medical devices with encapsulated inserts, industrial handles and grips.




Industries: Consumer goods, electronics, medical, automotive, industrial manufacturing.


Materials: Typically thermoplastics for the base and overmolded layers; a wide range of combinations can be used.


Parts: Consumer goods with soft-touch grips, electronic devices with enhanced aesthetics, medical devices with comfortable handles, automotive components with integrated seals.


Micro Injection Molding:


Industries: Electronics, medical, telecommunications.


Materials: High-performance thermoplastics, often with exceptional flow properties, such as liquid crystal polymers (LCP) and acetal (POM).


Parts: Miniature electronic components, microfluidic devices, tiny medical parts like catheters and micro connectors.


Multi-Shot Injection Molding:


Industries: Consumer goods, automotive, electronics.


Materials: Compatible thermoplastics for each shot, often used for combining rigid and soft materials.


Parts: Consumer goods with multi-color or multi-material designs, automotive components with integrated seals, electronics with combined materials for functionality.


Reaction Injection Molding (RIM):


Industries: Automotive, industrial manufacturing, medical.


Materials: Polyurethanes, epoxy resins, or other reactive liquid materials.


Parts: Automotive body panels, industrial enclosures, medical equipment housings, elastomeric components.


Rotational Molding (Rotomolding):


Industries: Automotive, consumer goods, industrial manufacturing, construction.


Materials: Polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and other polymers in powder form.


Parts: Automotive fuel tanks, large consumer goods like playground equipment, industrial containers, water tanks, construction elements.

What problems may occur in the above injection molding process


Conventional Injection Molding:


1. Warping: Uneven cooling can lead to warping or distortion of the part.

2. Sink Marks: Rapid cooling can cause depressions on the surface of the part.

3. Flashing: Excess material can escape between mold halves, causing thin excess edges.

4. Short Shots: Inadequate material filling can result in incomplete parts.

5. Ejector Pin Marks: Marks left by ejector pins can affect the appearance of the part.


Thin-Wall Injection Molding:


1. Flow Lines: Material flow patterns can create visible lines on the surface.

2. Burn Marks: Overheating can lead to discolored or burnt areas on the part.

3. Part Deformation: Thin walls are prone to warping or deformation if cooling is uneven.

4. Part Ejection Challenges: Thin parts may stick in the mold, leading to ejection difficulties.


Gas-Assisted Injection Molding:


1. Inadequate Gas Penetration: Poor gas distribution can result in uneven cavity pressure and incomplete part filling.

2. Gas Trapping: Gas may become trapped within the part, causing voids.

3. Splay Marks: Gas penetration issues can result in surface blemishes.


Co-Injection Molding:


1. Delamination: Poor adhesion between layers can lead to separation.

2. Over- or Under-Mixing: Improper mixing of materials can result in uneven layers.

3. Interface Issues: Improper bonding between materials can create weak points.


Insert Molding:


1. Poor Insert Adhesion: Inadequate bonding between the insert and surrounding material.

2. Insert Displacement: Inserts might shift during molding, leading to misalignment.

3. Part Warping: Insert materials with different shrinkage rates can cause warping.




1. Poor Bonding: Inadequate adhesion between the base and overmolded materials.

2. Material Incompatibility: Material interaction issues can lead to defects or part failure.

3. Overmold Flashing: Excess material can escape between mold halves, creating flashing.


Micro Injection Molding:


1. Flow Issues: Material flow challenges can lead to incomplete or inconsistent filling of micro features.

2. Ejection Challenges: Micro parts can be difficult to eject due to their small size.

3. Part Defects: Small defects, such as burrs or voids, can be more pronounced in micro parts.


Multi-Shot Injection Molding:


1. Material Compatibility: Incompatible materials may not bond properly.

2. Delamination: Poor adhesion between shots can result in part separation.

3. Shot Imbalance: Uneven material distribution between shots can lead to part defects.


Reaction Injection Molding (RIM):


1. Improper Mixing: Inaccurate mixing of reactive components can affect part properties.

2. Curing Issues: Inadequate curing can lead to underdeveloped parts with poor mechanical properties.

3. Material Degradation: Reactive materials can deteriorate over time if not handled properly.


Rotational Molding (Rotomolding):


1. Uneven Wall Thickness: Poor mold design can lead to variations in wall thickness.

2. Splay Marks: Polymer splay marks might appear on the surface of the part.

3. Material Distribution: Inadequate material distribution can result in part defects.

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Why choose GD-HUB?


QUALITY ASSURANCE: The reliable GD-HUB follows a strict quality control process to ensure that each molded part meets the required specifications and standards. This helps prevent defects, minimize waste, and ensure consistent quality throughout the production process.


Expertise and experience: Mature GD-HUBs have extensive experience with injection molding processes, materials and design considerations. Our expertise can help you optimize part design, material selection and production methods to achieve the best results.


Advanced Technology: GD-HUB's reputation for investing in state-of-the-art equipment and technology allows us to offer a wide range of injection molding techniques and produce high-precision parts more efficiently.


MATERIALS KNOWLEDGE: With in-depth materials knowledge, GD-HUB can guide you in selecting the best material for your application, taking into account factors such as mechanical properties, durability and chemical resistance.


Design Support: A skilled GD-HUB can provide design support to help you optimize part geometry, select the right features, and ensure manufacturability. This can improve part performance and production cost-effectiveness.


Customization: GD-HUB can provide services tailored to your specific needs, whether it's to meet unique part designs, material requirements, or throughput requirements.


Efficiency and Lead Time: An efficient GD-HUB can streamline production processes and shorten lead times, ensuring timely delivery of parts. This is especially important for meeting project deadlines and market demands.


Cost Effectiveness: While choosing the least expensive option may not guarantee quality, the GD-HUB can offer competitive pricing that reflects the value of its expertise, technology and commitment to quality.


Consistent Communication: Effective communication between you and GD-HUB is critical to the smooth running of the production process, and GD-HUB will keep you informed of production progress, potential challenges, and any necessary adjustments.


Quality Control and Testing: GD-HUB employs stringent quality control measures and testing procedures to identify and resolve defects early in the production process, thereby reducing the likelihood of defects in the final product.


Long-Term Partnerships: By choosing a GD-HUB that values customer relationships, you can build partnerships for future projects. A trusted GD-HUB becomes a valued partner who understands your needs and supports your growth.

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