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What Is 5-Axis Machining? Process & Applications

Release time: November 28, 2023

5-axis machining represents an advanced cutting technique renowned for producing top-notch parts. It operates using computer numerical control (CNC) technology. Initially accessible to only manufacturers with substantial budgets, 5-axis machining has progressed significantly and is now widely accessible across the manufacturing industry.


These specialized mills and machines are extensively employed in aerospace applications, adept at crafting intricate patterns with precision. Additionally, they present efficiency enhancements, even for products that could suffice with 3-axis machining. Regardless of the application, proficient utilization of 5-axis machining can yield substantial advantages for your manufacturing processes.




5-axis machining works under the same principles as sculpting. You take a large block of material and remove the excess with a cutting tool, piece by piece, until only the end object is left. This process is subtractive, as opposed to something additive like 3D printing, which adds material to a base.


Numerous CNC machines operate along three axes—X, Y, and Z—for movement. However, in a 5-axis machine, these three axes persist, supplemented by two rotating axes known as A and B. This innovative setup enables simultaneous movements, facilitating the creation of intricate and seamless designs. The specific arrangement of the static and rotating axes can differ among machines.


5-axis CNC machining proves swift and efficient, embracing a "one and done" approach. Unlike a 3-axis machine requiring manual part rotation between passes to grant cutting tool access to all faces, a 5-axis machine accomplishes this seamlessly. It effortlessly turns the piece and accesses all faces in a single operation. Furthermore, its extensive range of motion allows for intricate designs, with automatic tool rotation capabilities.


However, due to the increased complexity of this machinery, utilizing computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software with 5-axis capabilities becomes imperative, although this is a standard requirement. Collision avoidance also emerges as a concern due to the multiple angles at which the tool operates.





As previously noted, the 5-axis machine boasts an additional two axes compared to its traditional counterpart. The term "five" signifies the number of directions the cutting tool can maneuver. These supplementary axes facilitate sophisticated rotations and movements, enabling optimal alignment between the cutting tool and the material. Most notably, this simultaneous operation empowers the machine to process up to five faces of a part in a single pass. With approximately 60% of parts manufactured in CNC shops demanding machining on five sides, this method is gaining widespread popularity.


In comparison to a 3-axis machine, the 5-axis machining process offers several advantages:


1. Reduced lead times: The 5-axis machine minimizes manual repositioning requirements by autonomously moving the part. Its ability to maneuver more efficiently and find optimal angles enhances cutting process efficiency, resulting in quicker part completion.


2. Enhanced precision: The five axes of movement in 5-axis machining ensure significantly higher precision compared to the 3-axis process. Complex or intricate details are executed faster and with greater accuracy, ensuring the final product meets stringent quality and performance standards.


3. Utilization of shorter cutting tools: The extensive range of motion in 5-axis machinery allows for the use of shorter cutters. This reduces vibrations encountered during deeper cuts in a 3-axis machine. Consequently, it not only yields a smoother surface finish but also enables higher cutting speeds without excessive pressure.


4. Expansion of business opportunities: Leveraging a 5-axis machine can potentially create new avenues for offering products and services to clients. The versatility of this method can unlock fresh opportunities, broadening the scope of your business operations.


There exist various design types for 5-axis machines, each creating different combinations of rotary axes. In a vertical machine, the X- and Y-axes operate along the horizontal plane, while the Z-axis is vertical. Horizontal machines interchange the Z- and Y-axis placements.


The management of the five axes can vary across machines and manufacturers, utilizing features such as swivel heads, rotating tables, or trunnion tables. Each type offers distinct advantages based on the arrangement of their rotational axes:


1. Trunnion or table machine: This configuration involves moving the table to achieve its range and can accommodate larger workpieces. It provides superior undercut capabilities due to its over 90-degree rotation in at least one axis. The trunnion table typically utilizes an A-axis for movement around the X-axis and a C-axis for rotation around the Z-axis.


2. Swivel-rotate machine: This type moves the head and spindle around the table, capable of handling heavier parts as the table isn't maneuvered similarly to a trunnion-style machine. Offering enhanced versatility and access with fewer tool interferences, a swivel-rotate machine rotates the B-axis around the Y-axis and the C-axis around the Z-axis.


Choosing the ideal 5-axis machine configuration largely depends on its intended use, akin to selecting tools for specific tasks.


Another consideration is 3+2, or positional 5-axis machining. In this method, rotary drives are fixed, allowing other axes to perform the work. Unlike continuous movement in traditional 5-axis machining, 3+2 machining provides stability and permits the use of shorter, more rigid cutting tools. This proximity to the workpiece minimizes collision risks and allows for faster speeds, delivering superior surface finishes. The locking of any one axis enhances project stability while reducing code requirements and enhancing accuracy. For parts lacking intricate contours or edges, a 3+2 axis approach proves effective.




5-axis machining serves multiple purposes, handling complex 3D shapes and enabling traditional machining on irregular or inclined surfaces. Various industries benefit from this technology:


1. Aerospace: The aerospace sector harnesses 5-axis machining for crafting smooth shapes and contoured edges crucial in intricate geometric designs. Its precision allows for detailed interior cuts, eliminating the need for part repositioning between passes, ensuring utmost accuracy throughout the manufacturing process.


2. Medical: Manufacturers of medical equipment find value in the high precision provided by 5-axis machining. It aids in meeting stringent healthcare standards by producing devices, implants, and equipment with intricate details efficiently and accurately.


3. Military: 5-axis machining is integral to creating precise components for military equipment, including submarine parts, turbine and compressor blades, high-performance engine parts, stealth applications, smart weapons, sensors, and even nuclear weaponry. Many purchasers of 5-axis machines acquire them for U.S. government contracts or projects, emphasizing their military applications.


4. Energy Equipment: Industries related to energy equipment benefit from 5-axis machining to fabricate intricate parts. When dealing with tough materials, this technology stabilizes the workspace, simplifying cutting and shaping processes. It enhances efficiency and reduces tool wear.


Additionally, other sectors such as food processing and pharmaceuticals also utilize 5-axis machining for specific applications.