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Electrochemical Surface Finishing: Anodizing

Release time: August 28, 2023

. What is Anodizing


Surface Finishing: Anodizing

Anodizing is an electrochemical process that involves enhancing the surface layer of a metal, typically aluminum or titanium, by creating a protective oxide layer through controlled oxidation. This oxide layer is thicker and more durable than the naturally occurring oxide layer on the metal's surface.


Anodic oxidation is a kind of electrolytic passivation treatment, used to increase the thickness of the oxide layer on the surface of metal parts. Generally, aluminum alloy is easy to oxidize, although the oxide layer has a certain passivation effect, but the result of long-term exposure, the oxide layer will be flaked off and lose the protective effect, so anodic oxidization is to take advantage of its easy oxidation characteristics, to control the generation of the oxide layer by electrochemical methods in order to prevent the further oxidization of the aluminum material, and at the same time, to increase the mechanical properties of its surface. Another purpose is to produce various colors by different chemical reactions to enhance the beauty, which is widely used in aircraft skins, military weapons, photocopier paper rollers, aluminum curtains of buildings, aluminum doors and windows, and so on. Aluminum anodic oxidation can improve corrosion resistance, increase oxidation color and improve adhesion. But it can not increase the strength of aluminum, in addition, the anodic oxidation layer is not conductive.


Here's how the process generally works:


Preparation: The metal is cleaned to remove any contaminants or impurities from its surface.


Anodizing Bath: The metal is immersed in an electrolyte solution, typically containing sulfuric acid, and serves as the anode (positive electrode) in an electrolytic cell.


Electric Current: A direct electric current is passed through the electrolyte solution. The metal's surface becomes the anode and releases oxygen ions while the cathode (negative electrode) attracts hydrogen ions.


Oxidation: As a result of the electrical current, the metal surface undergoes controlled oxidation. Oxygen ions combine with the metal atoms to form a layer of metal oxide on the surface. This layer grows thicker over time and becomes an integral part of the metal's structure.


Coloring (Optional): Anodized aluminum can be colored by using organic dyes that are absorbed into the porous oxide layer. The color is created by the interference of light as it passes through the oxide layer and reflects off the metal surface.


Sealing: After anodizing, the metal is often sealed by immersing it in boiling water or another sealing solution. This helps to close the pores in the oxide layer, making it more resistant to corrosion and enhancing its durability.

. Characteristics of anodizing


Surface Finishing: Anodizing

Anodizing is a surface treatment process that imparts various characteristics to metals, primarily aluminum and sometimes other metals like titanium and magnesium. The characteristics of anodizing depend on factors such as the type of metal, the specific anodizing process used, and any additional treatments applied.


Corrosion Resistance: Anodizing significantly improves the corrosion resistance of metals like aluminum. The thick oxide layer created during anodizing acts as a barrier, protecting the underlying metal from environmental factors, moisture, and chemicals.


Durability: The anodized oxide layer is harder than the base metal, making the surface more durable and resistant to wear, abrasion, and mechanical damage.


Surface Hardness: Anodizing increases the surface hardness of the metal, improving its resistance to scratching and wear.


Electrical Insulation: The oxide layer created through anodizing is an electrical insulator, which can be advantageous in applications where electrical conductivity needs to be controlled or prevented.


Thermal Resistance: Anodized surfaces can have improved thermal resistance, making them suitable for applications where heat dissipation or insulation is important.


Aesthetics: Anodizing allows for the incorporation of various colors into the metal's surface. This feature is often used to enhance the appearance of products, architectural elements, and decorative items.


Paint and Coating Adhesion: The porous structure of the anodized layer improves the adhesion of paints, primers, and other coatings, leading to better overall coating performance.


Biocompatibility (for Titanium): Anodized titanium is often used in medical implants due to its biocompatibility and ability to promote tissue integration.


Lightweight: Anodizing adds very little weight to the metal, making it a suitable surface treatment for applications where weight is a concern, such as aerospace and automotive industries.


Chemical Stability: Anodized surfaces are chemically stable and less reactive than untreated metal surfaces, making them less prone to chemical reactions with their surroundings.


Dimensional Stability: Anodizing typically doesn't alter the dimensions of the metal significantly, allowing for tight tolerances to be maintained.


Camouflage and Anti-Glare Finishes: Anodizing can be used to create specialized finishes, such as matte or anti-glare surfaces, as well as camouflage patterns in military applications.


Environmental Benefits: Anodizing is a relatively environmentally friendly process compared to some other surface treatments, as it doesn't involve the use of heavy metals or toxic chemicals.


Cost-Effective: Anodizing is often cost-effective compared to other surface treatments due to its simplicity and efficiency in large-scale production.

. Which industries, materials and components are anodizing used in?

Surface Finishing: Anodizing


Anodizing is used in a wide range of industries, primarily with aluminum and, to a lesser extent, with other metals like titanium and magnesium. It's employed to enhance the properties of various components and materials.




Aerospace: Anodizing is extensively used in the aerospace industry to improve the corrosion resistance and durability of aircraft components. It's applied to parts like aircraft frames, wings, landing gear, and interior components.


Automotive:Anodizing is used in the automotive industry for components that require corrosion resistance and durability. This includes wheels, trim pieces, engine components, and suspension parts.


Construction and Architecture: Anodized aluminum is often used in architectural applications due to its corrosion resistance, aesthetics, and ability to be colored. It's used for window frames, curtain walls, roofing, and decorative elements.


Electronics: Anodizing is used in electronics to create electrically insulating surfaces on aluminum components. It's also used for heat sinks and other components that require enhanced thermal properties.


Consumer Goods: Anodizing is employed in various consumer products, including kitchen utensils, cookware, camera bodies, smartphone cases, and laptop shells.


Sporting Goods: Items like bicycles, golf clubs, and fishing reels use anodizing to enhance their appearance and durability.


Medical Equipment: Anodizing is used for medical equipment and implants made from titanium. The anodized surface enhances biocompatibility and corrosion resistance.


Marine: Anodizing is valuable in marine applications due to its corrosion resistance. It's used for boat fittings, masts, and other components exposed to saltwater.




Aluminum: Anodizing is most commonly associated with aluminum. It's used extensively due to aluminum's lightweight nature and its susceptibility to corrosion. Anodized aluminum can be colored and offers enhanced corrosion resistance and durability.


Titanium: Anodizing is used with titanium for medical implants, jewelry, and aerospace applications. Anodized titanium offers improved biocompatibility and can be colored for decorative purposes.


Magnesium: Although less common, anodizing is used with magnesium to improve corrosion resistance and provide a better surface for painting.




Fasteners: Anodizing is applied to screws, bolts, and other fasteners to enhance corrosion resistance and maintain their appearance.


Extrusions: Anodizing is often used on aluminum extrusions for architectural applications, where the extrusions might serve as window frames, railings, or other structural elements.


Consumer Electronics: Smartphones, laptops, cameras, and other electronic devices often feature anodized aluminum bodies to enhance aesthetics and durability.


Medical Implants: Anodized titanium is used for medical implants like orthopedic implants and dental fixtures due to its biocompatibility and corrosion resistance.


Military Equipment: Anodizing is used in military applications for equipment that requires durability, corrosion resistance, and sometimes camouflage coloration.


Decorative Items: Anodizing is used in jewelry, artwork, and decorative components where color and appearance are important.

. Difference between electroplating and anodizing


Usually metal alloy surface treatment will choose electroplating or anodizing, what is the difference between these two processes.


: different treatment methods


Electroplating is to be plated material as the cathode, and the plated metal of the same metal material as the anode (there are insoluble anode), the electrolyte contains the plated metal ions of the solution; anode and cathode between the input of a certain current. The plating material and the material to be plated are two different materials, such as beryllium copper nickel plating, beryllium copper for the base material, nickel for the plating.


Anodizing uses chemical or electrochemical treatment to generate a film layer containing the metal composition on the metal surface. The material to be treated as the anode, in a specific electrolyte by applying electric current to make its surface form a film layer of a material protection. Such as aluminum alloy oxidation, in the aluminum alloy surface to form a layer of aluminum oxide film, aluminum oxide is chemically stable, will not oxidize, not subject to acid corrosion, but also can be dyed into a variety of colors.


: different treatment object


Electroplating method to deal with the object is mainly metal, can also be non-metallic. The most commonly used plating plating metal for nickel, chromium, tin, copper, silver and gold. It is often said that nickel plating, chromium plating, gold plating and so on.


Anodizing, on the other hand, is a method of metal surface treatment. Most of the metal materials (such as stainless steel, zinc alloy, aluminum alloy, magnesium alloy, copper alloy, titanium alloy) can be anodic oxidation treatment in the appropriate electrolyte.


: different treatment principles


Electroplating is plating material as cathode, anodic oxidation with treatment material as anode


Electroplating is due to the charge effect, metal anode ions to the cathode to move, and get electrons in the cathode and deposited on the material to be plated. At the same time the metal at the anode dissolves, constantly replenishing the metal ions in the electrolyte.


First of all there are six elements in the electroplating solution: main salt, additional salt, complexing agent, buffer, anode activator and additives.


The principle of electroplating contains four aspects: electroplating solution, electroplating reaction, electrode and reaction principle, and electrodeposition process of metal.


Anodic oxidation is to take advantage of the easy oxidation characteristics of aluminum alloy and control the generation of oxide layer by electrochemical methods to prevent further oxidation of aluminum and increase the mechanical properties of the surface at the same time.


Generally speaking, the anode is aluminum or aluminum alloy as the anode, the cathode is selected lead plate, the aluminum and lead plate together in aqueous solution, which has sulfuric acid, oxalic acid, chromic acid, etc., electrolysis, so that the surface of the aluminum and lead plate to form a kind of oxidized film. Among these acids, the most widely used is anodizing with sulfuric acid.

Aluminum alloy anodic oxidation technology is currently the most widely used and most successful, aluminum alloy anodic oxidation can greatly improve the surface hardness, wear resistance and other indicators.


Oxide film thin layer with a large number of microporous, can adsorb a variety of lubricants, suitable for the manufacture of engine cylinders or other wear-resistant parts; film microporous adsorption capacity can be colored into a variety of beautiful and colorful colors. Non-ferrous metals or their alloys (such as aluminum, magnesium and its alloys, etc.) can be anodic oxidation treatment, this method is widely used in machinery parts, aircraft and automobile parts, precision instruments and radio equipment, daily necessities and building decoration and other aspects.

. Why aluminum alloy is not suitable for electroplating?


Aluminum is chemically active, if plating, in acidic electrolyte, cathode aluminum ions in the electron reduction at the same time, the generation of aluminum salts and hydrogen. In the case of alkaline electrolyte, aluminum hydroxide and hydrogen gas are generated. Therefore, aluminum cannot be plated by electroplating. This is the same reason that electrolysis of saline water does not yield metallic sodium, but rather sodium hydroxide.


Poor oxidized surface effect of die-cast aluminum alloy needs attention


Casting aluminum alloy and die casting generally contain high silicon content, anodic oxidation film are dark, it is impossible to get colorless and transparent oxide film, with the increase of silicon content, the anodic oxidation film color from light gray to dark gray to black gray. Therefore, casting aluminum alloy is not suitable for anodic oxidation.


But zinc alloy die casting to do anodic oxidation treatment will be particularly poor, make the yield rate is very low, anodic oxidation treatment is also a very cumbersome process. Zinc alloy die casting usually still use electroplating surface treatment process.


It is worth noting:


1. aluminum alloy surface treatment is usually anodic oxidation, not suitable for plating.

2. zinc alloy die casting common surface treatment is plating, not suitable for anodizing.

3. aluminum alloy die casting is also not suitable for anodic oxidation effect is relatively poor, the appearance of the high demand for caution.

Surface Finishing: Anodizing