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CNC Machining for Production Guide

Release time: August 26, 2024

CNC machining is a fundamental technology in modern manufacturing, enabling the production of a wide range of products in various sizes and dimensions. However, CNC machining for production is often dependent on volume requirements.


Mastering CNC production involves learning how to effectively use CNC machines to produce large quantities of components. This article serves as a comprehensive guide to the different types of CNC production machining and explores the optimal solutions provided by Fictiv for scaling CNC machining production efficiently.


What is CNC Machining?


CNC machining is a computerized manufacturing process that uses pre-programmed code and software to control machinery such as grinders, lathes, and turning machines. This technique allows for precise cutting, shaping, and fabrication of components, whether for prototypes or finished products. CNC machinists leverage their expertise in mechanical systems, mathematics, and technical drawings to produce a wide variety of metal and plastic components.


What Is CNC Production Machining, and How Does It Differ from CNC Machining?


CNC production machining utilizes CNC machines to achieve high-volume production with tight tolerances, exceptional dimensional accuracy, and consistent quality within specified deadlines. Unlike standard CNC machining, CNC production machining is a more advanced and elaborate process designed for high-volume manufacturing.


The focus in CNC production machining is on precision, minimizing internal scrap, and enhancing both product quality and throughput. This approach aims to improve profitability and maximize customer satisfaction.


high volume cnc machining

What Are the Different Types of CNC Production Machining?


1. Low-Volume CNC Machining


Low-volume CNC machining focuses on producing components in limited quantities, typically ranging from fewer than ten to around one thousand parts. This approach is increasingly popular because it:


- Bridges the gap between initial product design and scaled production of prototypes.

- Reduces costs.

- Provides accessibility for companies in early stages of product development.

- Performs well for products with short lifecycles.

- Facilitates easier customization of designs.


2. High-Volume CNC Machining


High-volume CNC machining is used for large-scale production, typically involving the manufacturing of thousands of parts. This method is optimal for many businesses as it:


- Allows for cost reductions while maintaining a high supply of parts.

- Is widely adopted due to its lower cost, reduced labor dependency, and greater efficiency.


3. Custom or Prototype CNC Machining


Custom or prototype CNC machining is employed for small quantities during new product development (NPD). Advances in CNC machining technology enable the creation of functional prototypes that closely resemble the final product. This method is also well-suited for custom part manufacturing due to:


- Its ability to produce functional prototypes with the same look, feel, and function as the final product.

- Its affordability for custom and prototype parts, thanks to modern CNC machining technology.


What Are the Benefits of CNC Production Machining?


CNC production machining offers several key advantages:


1. Improved Productivity

CNC machining significantly boosts productivity by automating manufacturing processes, reducing reliance on manual labor. Computerized systems optimize cutting speeds, operation sequences, and material usage, leading to more efficient production. To enhance productivity further:


- For complex parts, machine fewer faces of the raw material to minimize additional fixturing and time.

- Use high-pressure coolant systems or tool coatings to extend tool life.

- Improve production line organization with methodologies like kanban, 6S, or lean manufacturing, which, though initially demanding, offer long-term benefits.

- Follow design for manufacturability (DFM) feedback to streamline machining processes and reduce time and costs.


2. Minimum Material Wastage

CNC technology, combined with CAD/CAM software, enhances efficiency by optimizing tool paths and cycle times, minimizing material wastage. Simulation programs help determine the most effective machining techniques, reducing scrap. Adopting sustainable CNC machining practices can further reduce waste and appeal to environmentally conscious customers, aligning with the global climate emergency recognized by many executives.


3. Less Manpower

CNC machining is less labor-intensive compared to manual methods, which significantly lowers labor costs. Although skilled workers are still needed to oversee operations, the overall manpower required is reduced. To further minimize labor needs:


- Replace complex assemblies with single components to reduce assembly requirements.

- Simplify fixturing to cut down on setup time and manpower.

- Reduce the number of manufacturing steps to streamline the process.

- Machine larger quantities to lower per-part costs.


For more tips on reducing complexity, refer to our CNC Machining Design Guide.


4. Increased Profitability

CNC machines offer continuous, repeatable operations that enhance output and efficiency. They operate with minimal oversight, allowing for uninterrupted production. Key features that boost profitability include:


- The ability to transition swiftly between machining processes without the need for multiple setups or tool changes.

- Integrated sensors that improve precision and reliability, enabling higher-quality production while cutting costs.

- Faster product delivery and reduced labor costs contribute to competitive pricing and increased revenue.


By leveraging these benefits, CNC machining can significantly improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance profitability.


Which Industries Can Benefit the Most from CNC Machining for Production?


CNC machining offers precision and consistency that are essential for industries requiring high standards of accuracy. Key industries that benefit significantly from CNC machining include:


- Automotive: CNC machining is used to manufacture components such as gearboxes, cylinder blocks, axles, and valves from extruded metal.


- Aerospace: This industry relies on CNC machining for producing critical parts like fuel access panels, fuel flow components, and landing gear components.


- Medical: CNC machining is crucial for creating surgical instruments, orthotics, electronic housings, and implants, ensuring high precision for medical applications.


- Robotics: The robotics industry depends on CNC machining for its ability to produce parts with tight tolerances, meeting the stringent accuracy and precision standards required.


- Consumer Products: CNC machining efficiently supports the design, development, prototyping, and manufacturing of consumer products, including toys, household appliances, consumer electronics, and packaging prototypes.




CNC production machining offers substantial benefits by enhancing production volume, improving quality, and reducing labor requirements, ultimately boosting your company’s bottom line. Now is the ideal time to evolve your business and fully leverage CNC production machining.


For all your custom CNC part manufacturing needs, GD HUB is here to help. We specialize in machining parts from various materials and streamline the custom part sourcing process with intelligent, automated workflows. GD HUB is your go-to solution for efficient and expedited part procurement, making custom manufacturing simpler and more effective.

high volume cnc machining